Smart Girl Tribe is the UK’s #1 female empowerment organisation. Having worked with UN Women, the British Council, Women for Women International and the NSPCC, this online community is redefining girlhood. CEO and founder Scarlett V Clark shares her experience in this honest, raw, inspirational podcast. Whether it’s for advice, to build a global empire or in need of an incredible girl-gang, the Smart Girl Tribe podcast is a must-listen for any young women in need of a big sister figure.

Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Healing the mother wound with expert Bethany Webster
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Bethany Webster is an expert on the mother wound. We all have trauma to heal with our mothers, trauma that has been passed down from generation to generation, trauma as a result of living in a patriarchal society and trauma the media even encourages. This episode is not about blaming mothers but explores the good girl narrative, body image, perfection, the sense that there is something wrong with us and tangible ways you can break the cycle and heal. If you have a great relationship with your mother, a not so great relationship with your mother, if you have a mother figure in your life or you have lost your mother this episode is for you, it’s not putting the spotlight on them but really on us, the daughters.
Listen in to hear us talk about:
- How the mother wound shows up in our life.
- Inner mothering.
- The mother/daughter relationship.
- How the patriarchy impacts the mother wound.
- Tangible ways to heal the mother wound.
- How to heal the little girl inside you.
- Journal prompts to heal the mother wound.
- The cost of not healing the mother wound.
Bethany's website: www.bethanywebster.com
Bethany's Book: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/discovering-the-inner-mother-bethany-webster/1133594622?ean=9780062884442
Bethany's online course: https://www.bethanywebster.com/inner-mother-course/
Bethany's facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/innermother

Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
How to cope with overwhelm to avoid burnout
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
In the past year 74% of people have felt overwhelmed or been unable to cope. Two years ago in the States 94% of workers experienced excessive stress. Overwhelm and stress can lead to severe mental health issues and of course burnout which is why I invited Dr. Emily Guarnotta a leading licensed clinical psychologist to discuss overwhelm.
Listen in to hear us talk about:
- How women's needs are different from men's.
- If women are more susceptible to feeling overwhelmed.
- How to share with others you are feeling overwhelmed.
- How to avoid burnout.
- How to calm down in highly-stressful moments.
- The language to use when asking for helping.
- How to support others who are feeling overwhelmed.

Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Everything you have ever wanted to know about hormones and sex
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Dr. Carrie Jones is America's leading hormone expert and a Naturopathic Physician who believes in the importance of both men and women understanding their body in a simplified manner so they can feel more empowered to take control of their health.
Listen in to hear us talk about:
- Why and how we fall out of love.
- The difference between lust and love.
- How to fire up your relationship again after having been together for years.
- How hormones affect sex and how sex is affected by hormones.
- The effect your partner’s health will have on your hormones and intimate relationship.
- How hormonal imbalance affects your sex life.
- How sperm affects your hormones and so much more.

Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Dr. Harmony is a twin-flame ascension expert and an alchemist of love, creating universal heart oneness.
Listen in to hear us talk about:
- How to prepare to meet your Twin Flame.
- The things preventing you from meeting 'The One'.
- The signs you have met your soulmate.
- The questions to ask your partner to know if they're 'The One' and so much more.

Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Sara Kuburic, a.k.a as the millennial therapist is an existential psychotherapist, has a weekly column in USA Today, is publishing a book and has over one million followers on Instagram.
Listen in to hear us talk about:
- How to set boundaries with friends and family members and the language to use.
- Can we ever heal from our childhoods?
- How can we love ourselves?
- Are expectations positive or negative?
- Why do we self-sabotage?
- The questions we should ask ourselves to deepen our personal growth journey and so much more.

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Everything to know about people pleasing and how to stop in a patriarchal society
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Marlene Lindmair is a top counsellor and people pleasing expert. In this episode we explore why women feel the need to people-please and where that stems from, the "good girl" myth, how to strengthen wholeness and how to stop people pleasing once and for all with real scenarios so no matter if it's at home or in the boardroom you can start living as authentically as possible.

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Everything to know about your hormones and periods
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Dr. Carrie Jones is a functional women’s health and hormone doctor who to her core believes in the importance of both men and women understanding their hormones in a simplified manner. As you know I love bringing in experts to discuss women’s health and that is exactly what we get into today, everything you want to know about hormones and periods- why you get weepy during that time of the month, what a hormone actually is, how to know if your hormones are unbalanced, the most important hormone , the impact the vaccine has had on your period, the relationship between hormones and intercourse and of course how to balance your hormones to have a healthy, normal period.

Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
How to manage suicidal thoughts | Sensitive and Triggering Episode
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
This is a sensitive and triggering episode.
National Suicide Prevention Week is from September 5th-11th every year. Not being okay is still widely stigmatised and more can still be done to help. In today's episode I share the things you can do to manage suicidal thoughts or a friend in need.
Stay Alive: Health and fitness App - free
Telephone: 116 123

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
For a long time I have been living intuitively, before eating I ask myself what does my body want? I ditched my alarm in the morning so my body can guide how much sleep it needs and I have let my body decide what exercise I should be carrying out every day even if that means every morning for weeks I do yoga rather than running or a hit workout. I didn’t know intuitive living was a thing though until I discovered Emmy Vadnais. In our current society analytical thinking has been promoted over our intuition, especially as women which is exactly what I get into with Emmy. We talk about the questions you should ask yourself to live intuitively, what to do if your intuition is telling you one thing but comes at the cost of disappointing others, including family and friends, the connection between your intuition and your dreams and consciousness and of course how to strengthen your intuition, how much of a role the universe plays in our intuition and how to not let our intuition get affected by the news that surrounds us everyday.

Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
When it comes to women’s sexual wellbeing and pleasure we carry guilt, shame and silence around with us. Being innovative forward thinkers at Smart Girl Tribe where we test the waters so you don’t have to we thought for National Orgasm Day we would call in the expert Satisfyer’s Director of Education and Clinical Certified Sexologist Megwyn White to discuss sex culture, false narratives, why it is important for women to own their own pleasure, how women are encouraged to believe that their bodies are not their own, the masculine gaze and our relationship with our virginity, how to own our sexuality and control our experience and the most common orgasms.
Seph Crafts: https://www.sephcrafts.com
Music: www.bensound.com